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OmniFocus 3 for iOS. Using links in the note field is the same in OmniFocus 3 for iOS as it was in OmniFocus 2 for iOS. When creating a new task using the system-wide Sharing Extension you’ll have the opportunity to specify a tag. In a matter of minutes and without a single line of code, Zapier allows you to automatically send info between OmniFocus and Twitter. Get started with workflows like: Turn liked Tweets into OmniFocus tasks.Or check out the rest of our guided workflows.Save time with Zapier; it's free to try. Read the direct messages of a Twitter user and add the text of any tweets found there to the OmniFocus inbox. SYNOPSIS twitter-to-omnifocus configurationfile.

If you’d like to try out our applications before committing to a purchase, we’re happy to offer a 14-day fully functional trial of all the Omni applications for Mac and iOS, as well as for OmniFocus for the Web. This is the best way to spend some hands-on time with our apps—with access to all the same features you’d get with a paid license—to determine if they’ll be a good fit for your use.

The latest tweets from @learnomnifocus. Whether she’s renovating an apartment, learning Spanish, working with coaches, writing, or just wrangling her priorities - OmniFocus helps ground and solidify her perspective. To learn more about how Gabrielle uses OmniFocus to stay productive—tune in to the Omni Show. Achieve more of your goals when you download OmniFocus for Mac.

Our Mac apps are available for download from our website as well as Apple’s Mac App Store. Our iOS apps are available for download exclusively through Apple’s iOS App Store.

To start your trial, download and launch the app, then log into your Omni Account. If you don’t have an Omni Account setup yet, you can create one at the Omni Accounts management page. Your 14-day trial will automatically begin after logging in.

Each of our apps offers multiple feature sets. During your trial of an Omni Mac app, use the options in Menu Bar > OmniApp > Free Trial Mode to switch between the Standard/Essentials or Pro feature sets of the app. When trialing an Omni iOS app, this option is accessed via the Settings gear menu.

If your 14-day trial period expires and you have not purchased a license or subscription to the application, you will not automatically be charged if the trial was initiated by signing into an Omni Account. Following the trial’s expiration, Mac and iOS application data will remain on your device and you will be able to use the application’s free viewer mode to view that data.

From all of us here at the Omni Group, thanks for checking out our software. We appreciate your consideration!

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Last Modified: Feb 23, 2021

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Let’s just get this out of the way — email is required for work (and usually personal) life, and a lot of the time it comes with actionable items. Someone came up with a really good idea a long while ago: processing email into actions—and consolidating all your actions into just one inbox—can bring about piece of mind.

Triaging email into OmniFocus can be quick and easy, and that’s what we’re going to accomplish here with helper tools.

Getting email into OmniFocus

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The email client bundled with OS X is able to send over the whole message — it even links back to the original message. In some earlier versions of macOS, a helper app (Clip-O-Tron) was needed to help with the process. In macOS 10.14, Mojave, Clip-O-Tron isn’t needed. Make sure to have a Clippings Shortcut set up. Includes a link back to the original message.

MailMate is a keyboard-centric, markdown-supporting, super-smart client for OS X. It’s advanced, and the developer has built-in support for many different apps: both text-editors and task managers.

Hitting a keystroke with the latest version (MailMate is progressing towards 2.0, and beta builds are available for download) pops up a pre-filled Quick Entry window with an action title and note. Includes a link back to the original message.


Mailplane is a Gmail- (or Google Apps) specific app that combines the native web experience with OS X niceties. And it clips to OmniFocus 2 quite nicely; here’s how.

Similar to MailMate, AirMail has its own integration with OmniFocus that works great. You can read all about it in Airmail’s support article. But it’s really simple: simply control-click a message and choose Create OmniFocus Task. Includes a link back to the original message.

And to round out the OS X mail clients, meet Postbox. There are so many features in the last three clients that naming would be futile, but Postbox adds a few more. And clipping is simple: Control-click a message and choose Send to OmniFocus. Includes a link back to the original message.

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Everything Else: Mail Drop

The Omni Sync Server has a very helpful feature: Mail Drop. Mail Drop is simple: forward on or create new emails that you’d like to show up in your OmniFocus Inbox to a specific email address. The server takes the subject and body, puts them in an action, and wedges it right in to the database in your Sync Server account. It’s not possible to get a link back to the original message, but it’s still outrageously helpful.


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